
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Homeschool Thursday

I got a great email today from Knowledge Quest .  In it was an Article that listed 5 must have no cost resources for homschooling.  I use or have used all of these resources and highly recommend them.  Here is the link to the article

Classics for Kids is a great resource to teach your kids about classical music.  If you sign up for the newsletter they send you info on what the shows are for the current month and the next.  They also have a activity sheet for the children to do.  My 15 year old loves these shows even though I believe they are intended for yournger children.  But the way I look at it if she is listening to classical music it can't be bad.

I know some people have started school already.  We are aiming for August 30th.  Hope everyone has a great year!!  

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