
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Wow post number 2

Second post for this year.  Don't worry I won't count the posts everytime. 

I wanted to write today on something that my hubby and I have been doing since the beginning of the year and hope to continue throughout the year.  The church that we have been attending since spring of last year Calvary Chapel Delta made available a Bible reading plan from Robert Murray M'Cheyne.  With this plan you will read the entire Bible once during the year and the New Testament and Psalms are read  2times in the course of the year.  This plan is divided into 4 readings a day usually a chapter for each reading and 2  readings are with your family and 2 are reading by yourself.  So far this plan is working out really well for my husband and I.  We read the family reading together when he is home and the private reading on our own.  I have been using the private reading as a jumping off point for my own indepth study.  We have already read the book of Ezra and are working on the books of Genesis, Nehemiah, Matthew and Acts.  If you are interested in starting this plan you can start by following the Bible Reading plan on the church's app that you can get for your device just look in your app store or use the link on the church's website. 

Something else I have started and will try to continue through out the year is a Writing the Word Plan.  I am still writing the plan for Christmas but I get my plans from Mercy is New.  With this plan you write a portion of Scripture everyday.  This way you are learning the Scripture too.  I just think it is a great way to get the Scripture into your brain. 

I am not going to beat myself up if I miss a day with any of the above plans.  I am just going to start from where I left off when I start back up again. 

I forgot to mention that since I cannot always make it to church because of my physical limitations that Calvary Chapel Delta streams their services live so I can watch on Sunday or anytime during the following week if I want.  Calvary Chapel churches read the Bible verse by verse so you will eventually read the whole Bible if you keep up with the messages. 

If you can't get to a face to face Bible study there are several online options available for you.  Two that I have been blessed by are Good Morning Girls, they will be starting Romans on Monday January the 15th  and Loving God Greatly , they will starting James on the 15th also.  Don't worry if you don't think you can do both studies at the same time they archive their studies so they will be available when you are.  If you like to Bible Journal I have found the Good Morning Girls study to be especially great for that.  And You don't need to buy any Bible Study books although they have them available on Amazon.  Just go to either or both sites and find out which fits your needs best. 

None of this post is sponsored in anyway.  I am just writing about what has helped me in the past and currently. 

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