
Monday, September 21, 2009


I am counting down to two events this week.  The first is I will be getting a new (to me anyway) car , so I will only have to drive our truck one more time and then I will have automatic transmission Yeah  no more clutch.  The clutch has been horrible with my arm. ( Just found out that my car won't be ready until probably tomorrow, bummer).    Second countdown is only 4 more nights of work then I am on vacation for two weeks.   We aren't really going anywhere special just doing a staycation.  We hope to go visit with Dave's mom for a day or two and go to some museums in Philly, maybe go to Valley Forge, go to some museums around here,  Head down to Washington D.C. for a day or two.  I have a tenative schedule but it's all up in the air depending when Dave gets back from his last load.

This will be us on vacation. 

The homeschool link for today is The Old School House Magazine.  This is a great magazine for all kinds of things.  You can suppliment your curriculmn and find inspiration for when you are burned out.

1 comment:

Becky K. said...

Enjoy your Staycation...and the new car! I am so happy that you found something!

I am going to look for your email to ask you a question.
